Where Do Major Parties Stand On The Issues


Messaging from the political parties can be confusing. Of course everyone wants “freedom” and “justice.” But what do they mean when they use those vague terms? Here’s a quick summary of where Democrats and Republicans generally stand on some of the most important issues of 2024. 

As you read each issue on this list, think about which party belief you agree with more.   



Democrats Believe - Climate change is a big problem and we need stricter environmental laws

Republicans Believe - Climate change may not be real. Even if it is, we shouldn’t have to make changes to address it.

Alternative energy

Democrats Believe - America should replace oil and coal with renewable energy sources like solar and wind

Republicans Believe - America should produce more oil and coal rather than invest in alternative energy sources

Racial justice

Democrats Believe - We need to do more to ensure racial equity, because white people benefit from advantages that people of color do not

Republicans Believe - Historical obstacles faced by people of color have been overcome and do not exist today

LGBTQIA+ rights

Democrats Believe - The rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals should be protected by law, including the right to marry

Republicans Believe - LGBTQIA+ rights do not need to be protected. Some Republicans want to eliminate current legal protections  

Health care

Democrats Believe - Health care is a human right. Government should take action to ensure everyone has access.

Republicans Believe - Health care should be handled by businesses. Government should not be involved.

Student debt

Democrats Believe - Student debt is too much of a burden and should be reduced through loan forgiveness and reducing the cost of higher education

Republicans Believe - Student debt is a personal responsibility that should be handled by individual borrowers and businesses  

Abortion rights

Democrats Believe - Pregnant people should have access to safe and legal abortion and contraception 

Republicans Believe - Abortion should not be widely available. Some want to restrict access to contraception. 

Immigration rights

Democrats Believe - Immigrants contribute positively to America and their rights should be protected

Republicans Believe - Immigration laws should be more restrictive

Minimum wage

Democrats Believe - Minimum wage in the US should be raised to at least $15 per hour

Republicans Believe - Businesses should be allowed to pay their workers whatever they want

Role of government

Democrats Believe - Government should ensure everyone's basic needs are met

Republicans Believe - It is not the government's job to make sure basic needs are met

Taxes on business

Democrats Believe - Taxes on large businesses and corporations should be raised

Republicans Believe - Taxes on businesses should be reduced 

Gun violence

Democrats Believe - Stricter gun laws will make us safer

Republicans Believe - More guns will make us safer

Voting rights

Democrats Believe - Voting is a fundamental right for every American and should not be restricted in any way

Republicans Believe - It’s okay to put up barriers to voting in order to make sure people who shouldn’t vote don’t

Think about the issues that are important to you. Which party do you agree with more on those issues? 

These are general guidelines to the two main political parties in the US. Not every member of each political party agrees on every issue. Within each party there are groups of people who lean more to the right (conservative) and some groups who lean more to the left (progressive). 

If you want to dig deeper to learn more about differences between the two parties, read Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology from the Pew Research Center, which was a source for much of the information above. You can even take their quiz to find out where you fit, based on your personal beliefs.